Chris Finlay
Professor of Geomagnetism at DTU Space Denmark

I am Professor of Geomagnetism at DTU Space Denmark. My research focuses on changes of the Earth's magnetic field on time scales from minutes to millennia, exploring both observational and theoretical aspects.
I develop global models of the Earth's magnetic field and its time changes, based on measurements made by satellites and at ground observatories, as well as from historical records. These models can be used to probe processes taking place deep within the Earth, to study the physical properties of the lithosphere and dynamics of the oceans close to the Earth's surface, and to investigate electrical current systems flowing in the ionosphere and the magnetosphere. Detailed models of the Earth's magnetic field are essential for applications that use it as a source of orientation information, for example in mobile devices and for satellite navigation.
More broadly I am interested in inverse problems, machine learning, and data assimilation techniques and their applications to satellite observations.
- Finlay, C.C., J. Velímský, C. Kloss, and R.M. Blangsbøll (2024) Satellite monitoring of long period ocean-induced magnetic field variations, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A. 38220240077
- Finlay, C.C., Gillet, N., Aubert, J., Livermore, P.W., and Jault, D. (2023) Gyres, jets and waves in the Earth's core, Nat Rev Earth Environ, doi:10.1038/s43017-023-00425-w
- Finlay, C.C. Kloss, C., Olsen, N., Hammer, M.D., Tøffner-Clausen, L., Grayver, A. and Kuvshinov, A. (2020) The CHAOS‑7 geomagnetic field model and observed changes in the South Atlantic Anomaly Earth, Planets, Space, 72:156, doi: 10.1186/s40623-020-01252-9
- Finlay, C.C. , Aubert, J. and Gillet, N. (2016) Gyre-driven decay of the Earth's magnetic dipole, Nature Comm., Vol 7, doi: 10.1038/ncomms10422
- Finlay, C.C. and Jackson, A., (2003) Equatorially Dominated Magnetic Field Change at the Surface of Earth's Core, Science, 300, 2084-2086, doi: 10.1126/science.1083324