Theory and design of microsystems for clinical acousto-activated cell sorting

FTP research project, grant no. 0602-01909B
Period: 01.01.2012 - 31.12.2015. External funding: 2.3 MDKK

PI: Prof. Henrik Bruus
PhD-student: Peter Barkholt Muller
Project goal
Ultrasound-based manipulation of cells in microfluidic systems is an emerging technology with a huge potential for label-free, high-throughput diagnostics tools in biology and medicine. Microsystems for clinical acousto-activated cell sorting (AACS) are particularly promising for im-proving existing technology, but their development is hindered by the poor understanding of how the shape of cells and the interactions among them at physiological concentrations affects the acoustic forces. The aim of the project is to extend the existing theory of acoustophoresis taking these effects into account in a numerical code enabling efficient design of AACS systems. In collaboration with Prof. Thomas Laurell (Lund University) the developed theory will be used to design clinical acousto-activated cell sorting systems for blood component separation and for specific research in stem cells and circulating tumor cells.
PhD thesis of the project
Acoustic streaming in microchannels:
the trinity of analytics, numerics and experiments
Peter Muller Tribler (né Barkholt Muller)
(September 2015, 148 pages, pdf)  

Peer-reviewed publications (5)
1. A numerical study of microparticle acoustophoresis driven by
acoustic radiation forces and streaming-induced drag forces

P.B. Muller, R. Barnkob, M.J.H. Jensen, and H. Bruus
Lab Chip 12, 4617-4627 (2012). (pdf
2. Ultrasound-induced acoustophoretic motion of
microparticles in three dimensions

P.B. Muller, M. Rossi, A. G. Marin, R. Barnkob,
P. Augustsson, T. Laurell, C. J. Kähler, and H. Bruus
Ultrasound-induced acoustophoretic motion of microparticles in three dimensions
Phys. Rev. E 88, 023006 1-12 (2013). (pdf
3. Focusing of sub-micrometer particles and bacteria
enabled by two-dimensional acoustophoresis

M. Antfolk, P.B. Muller, P. Augustsson, H. Bruus, and T. Laurell.
Lab Chip 14, 2791-2799 (2014). (pdf

4. A numerical study of thermoviscous effects in ultrasound-induced
acoustic streaming in microchannels

P.B. Muller and H. Bruus
Phys. Rev. E 90, 043016 1-12 (2014). (pdf
5. Theoretical study of time-dependent, ultrasound-induced
acoustic streaming in microchannels

P.B. Muller and H. Bruus
Phys. Rev. E 92, 063018 1-13 (2015). (pdf
Peer-reviewed conference proceedings (14)
1. Peter Barkholt Muller and Henrik Bruus
Acoustic streaming in rectangular microchannels
Lorentz Center Workshop. Leiden, the Netherlands, 23 - 27 Apr 2012. 

2. Peter Barkholt Muller and Henrik Bruus
Theoretical aspects of microchannel acoustofluidics:
thermoviscous corrections to the radiation force and streaming
Proc. 23th ICTAM, Beijing, China, 19 - 24 Aug 2012.
 M.J.H. Jensen, P.B. Muller, R. Barnkob and H. Bruus.
Numerical study of acoustic streaming and radiation forces on micro particles
BNAM 2012 Joint Baltic-Nordic Acoustics Meeting, Odense Denmark, 18-20 June 2012.
Peter Barkholt Muller and Henrik Bruus
Acoustic streaming: Extension of Rayleigh's analytical analysis to bounded microsystems
Proc. USWNet Annual Meeting. Lund, Sweden, 21 - 22 Sep 2012. 
5. M. Rossi, A. Marin, P. Augustsson, R. Barnkob,
P.B. Muller, T. Laurell, H. Bruus, and C.J. Kähler
Measurement of the 3D motion of polystyrene beads in an acoustophoresis microchannel
Proc. USWNet Annual Meeting. Lund, Sweden, 21 - 22 Sep 2012.
6. P.Barkholt Muller, R. Barnkob, M.J. Herring Jensen, and H. Bruus
COMSOL Analysis of Acoustic Streaming and Microparticle Acoustophoresis
COMSOL Conference 2012, Milano, Italy, 10 - 12  October 2012.
Invited talk
7. P.Augustsson, R.Barnkob, H.Bruus, C.J.Kähler, T.Laurell, Á.G.Marín, P.B.Muller, M.Rossi
Measuring the 3D motion of particles in microchannel acoustophoresis
using astigmatism particle tracking velocimetry

16th MicroTAS Conference, Okinawa, Japan, 28 Oct -1 Nov, 2012.
8. M. Rossi, R. Barnkob, P. Augustsson, Á. Marín, P.B Muller, H. Bruus, T. Laurell, C. Kähler
Experimental and numerical characterization of
the 3D motion of particles in acoustofluidic devices
3rd European Conference on Microfluidics, Heidelberg, Germany, 3 - 5 December 2012. Talk
9. J.T. Karlsen, M.W.H. Ley, P.B. Muller, and H. Bruus.
Acoustic streaming: a general analytical solution to the driven parallel-plate system.
Acoustofluidics 2013. Southampton, UK, 13 - 14 September 2013.

10. M. Nordin, P. Augustsson, P.B. Muller, H. Bruus, and T. Laurell.
Two-dimensional acoustophoresis in square microchannel
enables sub-micrometer particle focus
17th MicroTAS Conference, Freiburg, Germany, 27 - 31 October, 2013.

11. P.B. Muller and H. Bruus.
Improved numerical method for calculating acoustic streaming
in microchannels including thermoviscous effects

Flow14, 1st Intl. Conf. Micro & Nanofluidics, Twente, The Netherlands, 18-21 May 2014. Poster
12. P.B. Muller, M. Antfolk, P. Augustsson, T. Laurell, and H. Bruus
Engineering single-vortex acoustic streaming for sub-micrometer particle handling
Acoustofluidics 2014 Conference, Prato, Italy, 11-12 September 2014.
13. P.B. Muller and H. Bruus
Numerical investigation of the temperature dependence
of acoustic streaming in microchannels
EFMC10 European Fluid Mechanics Conference, DTU Denmark, 14-18 Sep 2014.

14. P.B. Muller and H. Bruus
A numerical study of the transient build-up  of ccoustic streaming in microchannels
Acoustofluidics 2015, Metz, France, 10-15 May 2015.
Other conference contributions (5)
1. Peter Barkholt Muller and Henrik Bruus
Analysis of boundary-driven bulk streaming in rectangular microchannels
USWNet Streaming Meeting. Southampton, UK, 4 Jul 2012.
2. R. Barnkob, P.B. Muller, H. Bruus, M.J. Herring Jensen
Numerical analysis of radiation- and streaming-induced microparticle acoustophoresis
65th DFD Meeting, American Physical Society, San Diego (CA), USA, 18-20 Nov, 2012.

3. M.Rossi, Á.Marín, C.J. Kähler, P. Augustsson, T.Laurell, P.B. Muller, R.Barnkob, H. Bruus
Experimental analysis of radiation- and streaming-induced microparticle acoustophoresis
65th DFD Meeting, American Physical Society, San Diego (CA), USA, 18-20 Nov, 2012.

4. P.B. Muller and H. Bruus. Theory and numerical analysis of
thermoviscous  effects in ultrasound-induced acoustic streaming in microchannels
67th DFD Meeting, American Physical Soc., San Francisco (CA), USA, 23-25 Nov, 2014. Talk

5. P.B. Muller and H. Bruus
Acoustic streaming in microchannels including thermoviscous effects
Danish Physical Society Annual Meeting, DTU Denmark, 22-23 Jan 2015.

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