Acoustofluidics 2016

Acoustofluidics 2016 Conference
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Thursday 22 - Friday 23 September 2016
An international conference dedicated to the science and technology of micro- and nanoscale acoustofluidics 
Conference info
Online conference proceedings  
Conference Begins:
Conference Ends:

(pdf 20 MB)
Thursday 22 September 10:30 local time
Friday 23 September at 17:30 local time
Important links
Conference program
Venue, transport,and maps
List of all talks and posters
Invited speakers
Philippe Marmottant,
Erwin Peterman,
Michaël Baudoin,
Per Augustsson,

Université Grenoble Alpes,
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam,
Université Lille 1,
Lunds Universitet,

Bubble-based acoustofluidics
Acoustic force microscopy
SAW-based vortical acoustofluidics

The program in detail (pdf) or in overview (pdf
List of all talks and posters


COMSOL A/S, Denmark, sponsors the Poster-and-Beer Session

BelektroniG GmbH, Brünig & Guhr Elektronik, Germany

AcouSort AB, Sweden

Scientific committee
Henrik Bruus, Technical University of Denmark (chair)
Jürg Dual, ETH Zürich (CH) Thomas Franke, University of Glasgow (GB)
James Friend, UC San Diego (US) Peter Glynne-Jones, University of Southampton (GB)
Martyn Hill, University of Southampton (GB) Thomas Laurell, Lund University (SE)
Andreas Lenshof, Lund University (SE) Adrian Neild, Monash University (AU)
Stefan Radel, TU Wien (AT) Martin Wiklund, KTH Stockholm (SE)

Questions regarding Acoustofluidics 2016 can be directed to the conference chair, prof. Henrik Bruus (
13 MARCH 2025