Complex Motion in Fluids 2019

Welcome to the 9th international Summer School  Complex Motion in Fluids organized by Technical University of Denmark in collaboration with University of Cambridge (UK), Ecole Polytechnique (F), and University of Twente (NL).

Program (pdf) and abstracts of 31 contributed talks (pdf, 50 MB) and 40 posters (pdf, 62 MB)
The topics for 2019 include microscale acoustofluidics, acoustic tweezers, slippery surfaces, micro swimmers, and biomechanics, and they are presented by nine international lecturers each giving a 1-hour and a 1½-hour lecture (see the preliminary program). Traditionally, all attendees (PhD students, postdocs and researchers) are presenting their own research either in a 12-minutes contributed talk or at one of the two poster sessions.

The venue: How to reach Kysthusene from Copenhagen (pdf)
This year, we have moved from Krogerup to Kysthusene (, a resort 2 km outside the fishing village of Gilleleje situated at the north coast of Zealand, 60 km from Copenhagen. The venue can be reached by a 2-hour train ride from Copenhagen International Airport as explained here (transport pdf)

Invited speakers

Michaël Baudoin Université Lille 1 (FR) Acoustic tweezers and vortices (abstract)
Thomas Laurell Lunds Universitet (SE) Acoustofluidics in medicine and biotech (abstract)
John Bush M.I.T. (US) Bouncing droplets and pilot waves (confirmed)
Julia Yeomans University of Oxford (UK) Active Matter (abstract)
Doris Vollmer Max Planck Inst., Mainz (DE) Wetting (abstract)
Anders Andersen Technical Univ. Denmark (DK) Plankton Fluid Dynamics (abstract)
Christophe Clanet CNRS / Ecole Polytech. (FR) Physics of sports (confirmed)
Francois Gallaire EPFL (CH) Fluid dynamic instabilities and pattern formation (abstract) 
David Quéré CNRS / ESPCI ParisTech (FR) Superhydrophobicity (confirmed)
Eric Lauga University of Cambridge (UK) How to build mathematical models? (abstract)

Tomas Bohr, Technical University of Denmark (DK)
Henrik Bruus, Technical University of Denmark (DK)
Christophe Clanet, CNRS / Ecole polytechnique (FR)
Eric Lauga, University of Cambridge (UK)
Detlef Lohse, University of Twente (NL)
Jacco Snoeijer, University of Twente / TU Eindhoven (NL)

Registration and fee (registration page)
Participation in the summer school costs 850 EUR, which covers room (a shared two-person room in a four-person cottage), all meals, and lectures from Sunday 18 August late afternoon to Saturday 24 August early afternoon. The registration is closed on the registration page,

Abstract submission (instruction page)
Preregistered participants, who have received a letter of acceptance, must submit a two-page abstract. Submission instructions (pdf) as well as LaTeX and word templates are located under abstract submission.
10 MARCH 2025