MOFs for Building Applications

Metal-organic Frameworks (MOFs) are an emerging class of porous materials. Most MOFs can exhibit very high surface areas and large adsorption capacity for gas. Due to their structural and functional tunability, MOFs have become one of the most fascinating classes of materials for both scientists and engineers. In the area of built environment, MOFs can be used for moisture regulation, pollutant removal, air purification, thermal storage, and atmosphere water harvesting etc. Qin's group has been working on these topics since 2015. The following page contains selected papers of Qin's group on preparation, characterization, and applications of metal-organic frameworks for built environment control.
Selected relevant publication
- Comprehensive reviews:
- Building applications: (e.g. MOF humidity pump, MOF air-conditioner, MOF wall panel, paint etc.)
M. QIN*, O. Feauguas, K. Zu, Novel metal-organic framework (MOF) based phase change material composite and its impact on building energy consumption, Energy and Building, Vol. 273, 2022.
- Synthesis and characterization of MOFs:
- Modelling of heat and mass transfer in MOFs:
K Zu, M QIN*, Optimization of the hygrothermal performance of novel metal-organic framework (MOF) based humidity pump: A CFD approach, Energy, Vol. 259, 2022
K Zu, M QIN*, Experimental and Modeling Investigation of Water Adsorption of Hydrophilic Carboxylate-based MOF for Indoor Moisture Control, Energy, 120654, 2021
Download the full research report:
Metal-organic Frameworks for Building Applications, Vol. 1 2020