Welcome to my personal home page
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Below find some news and a cool video relating to my main interest: Robots
Current Research Interests
- Adaptive Control This area has been in focus since 1984, both with respect to research and teaching. New fields such as neural networks, sensor fusion, simultanous identification and estimation have been active lately.The Adaptive Blockset for Simulink is also a new action here.
- Computer Aided Control Engineering Advanced MATLAB user/developer since 1985. Simulink and toolbox user/developer for many years. Co-developer of SLLAB, a MATLAB look-a-like in mid-80'ies. In 1987 part of a cross-departemental project in CACE on DTU. Since 1989 active in the CACE community publishing at both IEEE and IFAC CACSD events. Project coordinator and initiator of the development of Mechatronic Simulink Library for Simulink.The Adaptive Blockset for Simulink is also a new action here. At the moment looking into more complete and integrated solutions for simulation, hardware-in-the-loop simulation, rapid controller prototyping and on-line visualisation.
- Vision-based Automation and Control This work started in the 1990 with the demonstration project of automating the famous Brio labyrinth game and has since then developed into a well-established field of expertice. Examples are checkers playing robot and visual navigation of AGV's
- Control of Robots and Autonomous Systems is a part of the work in experimental robotic done at IAU. Work is done with autonomous vehicles on land, sea and airborne. Information technology (IT) and system integration is the main focus area.
Teaching - supervised Master and Bachelor projects
Lisowski, Michal
Differential Evolution approach to the Localization Problem for Mobile Robots. - Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark : Technical University of Denmark (DTU), 2009 (p. 119) Type: Master's Thesis |
Nielsen, Kræn Vodder
Eksperimentel Reguleringsplatform baseret på Linux RTAI. - Kgs. Lyngby, Danmark : Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU), 2009 (p. 71) Type: Bachelor Thesis |
Hansen, Søren Stentoft
Landingssystem til 4 rotor Automhelikopter. - Kgs. Lyngby, Danmark : Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU), 2009 (p. 92) Type: Master's Thesis |
Jensen, Christian Jon Veng; Gryning, Mikkel Peter Sidoroff
Lokalisering af mobile robotter: Navigation i en korridor. - Kgs. Lyngby, Danmark : Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU), 2009 (p. 47) Type: Bachelor Thesis |
Beck, Anders Billesø
Mission Management for Mobile Robots. - Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark : Technical University of Denmark (DTU), 200906 Type: Master's Thesis |
Sivaralingam, S.
Modelling and Control of a Spray Drying Process: for Control Purposes. - Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark : Technical University of Denmark (DTU), 2009 (p. 198) Type: Master's Thesis |
Ryther, Christopher A.; Madsen, Ole B.
Obstacle Detection and Avoidance for Mobile Robots, 2009 (p. 46) Type: Bachelor Thesis |
Haviernik, Tomas Andreasen
PLC-Control with Electrical Motors: Model of an automated warehouse with multidimensional movement, 2009 (p. 70) Type: Bachelor Thesis |
Lindhard Jørgensen, Nicolaj; Olesen, Lasse Thorup
Regulering af robotarm, 2009 (p. 59) Type: Bachelor Thesis |
Massaro, Alessandro S.
Remote Operator-Assisted Visual Navigation System for a Rover, 2009 (p. 73) Type: Master's Thesis |
Wahlgreen, M ikkel Ørum; Bondy, Daniel Esteban Morales
Sensor Based Robot Control. - Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark : Technical University of Denmark (DTU), 2009 (p. 95) Type: Bachelor Thesis |
Hansen, Søren Stentoft
Sensorbaseret landingssystem til autonom helikopter, 2009 (p. 85) Type: Master's Thesis |
Hansen, Søren Kistrup
Styring af X-rotate sample handling system, 2009 (p. 125) Type: Master's Thesis |
Svendsen, Casper; Holck, Niels Ole
Temperaturregulering af blodgasanalyseapparat, 2009 (p. 79) Type: Bachelor Thesis |
Rohde-Petersen, Anders; Brogaard, Rune Yding
Vision i industrielle systemer, 2009 (p. 41) Type: Bachelor Thesis |
Petersen, Niels Boye
Automation of a hovercraft, 2008 (p. 103) Type: Master's Thesis |
Almdal, Thomas
Estimation Based Navigation for Mobile Robots, 2008 (p. 99) Type: Master's Thesis |
Lin, Jie
Graphical User InterFace til SMR Robot, 2008 (p. 62) Type: Bachelor Thesis |
Galve, Rafael Olmos
Laser based Obstacleavoidance in mobile robots, 2008 (p. 48) Type: Bachelor Thesis |
Kailasanathan, Nimalendiran; Rajendram, Alan P.
Lego Mindstorms NXT til robotter: Interface til kommunikation med eksterne sensorer, 2008 (p. 69) Type: Bachelor Thesis |
Bayramoglu, Enis
Localization for Mobile Robots Using Vision with other Sensors, 2008 (p. 72) Type: Master's Thesis |
Schnéevoigt, Elias G.
Objektgenkendelse med neuralt netværk Type: Bachelor of Engineering Thesis |
Løvgreen, Mikkel
Automatisation of advanced meat cutting processes using image analysis, 2007 (p. 52) Type: Master's Thesis |
Sivarajalingam, Shayantharan
Eurobot 2007: Design Idéer, 2007 (p. 216) Type: Bachelor Thesis |
Jørgensen, Martin Juhl
Eurobot 2007: Endeligt design, 2007 (p. 135) Type: Bachelor Thesis |
Hansen, Brian
Eurobot 2007: Planlagt design, 2007 (p. 121) Type: Bachelor Thesis |
Pontoppidan, Lars Ole; Olsson, Aske
Laser Based Navigation for Mobile Robots, 2007 (p. 170) Type: Master's Thesis |
Björnsson, Sigurjón
Path control for mobile robots, 2007 (p. 94) Type: Master's Thesis |
Rickardt, Kristian
Præcisionsnavigation med trådløse nærhedsfølere, 2007 (p. 69) Type: Bachelor of Engineering Thesis |
Hovgaard, Tobias Gybel
Sensor Fusion for Navigation, 2007 (p. 52) Type: Bachelor Thesis |
Ejlersen, Thomas Emil Juul
Signal processering i digitalt vejesystem, 2007 (p. 122) Type: Master's Thesis |
Muhle-Zimino, Daniel
Software til langtidsstabil servicerobot, 2007 (p. 126) Type: Master's Thesis |
Løwert, Jonathan
Testpult til Joystik, 2008 (p. 155) Type: Bachelor Thesis |
Knudsen, Lars Søllingvraa
Undersøgelse af Lego mindstorm NXT's reguleringsegenskaber, 2007 (p. 30) Type: Bachelor Thesis |
Mejnertsen, Asbjørn; Reske-Nielsen, Anders
Control of Autonomous Tractor, 2006 Type: Master's Thesis |
Nourani-Vatani, Navid
Coverage Algorithms for Under-Actuated Car-Like Vehicle in an Uncertain Environment, 200612 Type: Master's Thesis |
Madsen, Lars
Intelligent varmestyring, 2006 Type: Master's Thesis |
Zneider, Jacob
Internetbaseret interface til mobile robotter, 2006 Type: Master's Thesis |
Slotholt, Henrik
Modulære manipulatorer til mobile robotter, 2006 Type: Master's Thesis |
Christensen, Anders Gaasedal
Optimization of Gearschift Strategies using Road Information, 2006 Type: Master's Thesis |
Yang, Xiaoyong
Sensor Based Navigation for Mobile Robots, 2006 Type: Master's Thesis |
Mogensen, Lars Valdemar
Sensor Fusion for Mobile Robots, 2006 Type: Master's Thesis |
Petersen, Anders Juul Refslund
Sensorenhed til Initialmålinger, 2005 Type: Master's Thesis |
Blas, Morten Rufus; Riisgaard, Søren Juhl
Autonomous Outdoor Navigation, 2005 Type: Master's Thesis |
Hansen, Ole Fink; Monrad, Michael
Cooperative Mobile Robots, 2005 Type: Master's Thesis |
Fakhril-Din, Ali
Internet Enabling, 2005 Type: Master's Thesis |
Thorisson, Gunnar
Motion Control for Mobile Robots, 2005 Type: Master's Thesis |
Riisgaard, Søren; Blas, Morten Rufus
Navigation for Outdoor Mobile Robot, 2005 Type: Master's Thesis |
Jensen, Allan Krog
Objekt detektering for robot manipulation, 2005 Type: Master's Thesis |
Texier, Mathieu; Bidon, Frederic
Sensors for mobile robots, 2005 Type: Master's Thesis |
Pedersen, Lars Reimer
Software for an Unmanned aeroplane, 2005 Type: Master's Thesis |
Pedersen, Lars Reimer
Software til ubemandet fly, 200503 Type: Master's Thesis |
Sejerøe, Thomas H.
An Estimation Framework for Nonlinear Systems, 2004 Type: Master's Thesis |
Andersen, Anders T.; Jørgensen, Jakob S.
Autonomt fly, 2004 Type: Master's Thesis |
Nielsen, Anders; Breiting, Malte
Design and implementation of Outdoor Mobile Robot, 2004 Type: Master's Thesis |
Sahl, Peter
Knowledge Based Control and Supervision of Mobile Robot, 2004 Type: Master's Thesis |
Robles, Jose Ignacio Fernandez
Navigation with Mobile Robots, 2004 Type: Master's Thesis |
Andersen, Niels Holmgaard
Sensor and Control for an Unmanned Aerical Vehicle, 2004 Type: Master's Thesis |
Sølvhøj, Jonas
Vision based Control of a Robot, 2004 Type: Master's Thesis |
Schrader, Kim Voss
Webenabling af laboratorieopstillinger, 200405 Type: Master's Thesis |
Andersen, Jens Chr.;Andersen, Nils Axel
Design of Intelligent Autonomous Vehicle, 2003 Type: Master's Thesis |
Zamora, Gonsales Conesa
Development of a Digital Regulator for a Scanning Probe Microscope, 2003 Type: Master's Thesis |
Utzen, Christer
Gain & Offset Estimation in Control Systems, 2003 Type: Master's Thesis |
Olsen, Mikkel Holm
Home Automation, 2003 Type: Master's Thesis |
Pedersen, Sofus Nikolaj
Positionering og -tracking af personer med laser sensor, 2003 Type: Master's Thesis |
Gudmundsson, Gunnar Örn; Snæbjörnsson, Gisli Pórmar
Remote Controlling Autonomous Robots using a PDA, 2003 Type: Master's Thesis |
Beck, Brian
Robotstyring med kraft feedback, 2003 Type: Master's Thesis |
Holme, Jens Peter
Seriel kommunikation til intelligente enheder, 2003 Type: Master's Thesis |
Nordfjord, Sverrir Jan; Pálsson, Hjalti
Surface Covering - Applied for Domestic Vacuum Cleaning, 2003 Type: Master's Thesis |
Shahidi, Ali Reza
Behavior Based Robotic Control System, 2002 Type: Master's Thesis |
Pasquale, Guido Di
Control of a Mobile Robot, 2002 Type: Master's Thesis |
Begic, Admir; Knezevic, Igor
Internet interface til mikrokontroller Type: Master's Thesis |
Nicolaisen, Svend Meyland
Operativsystem til microcontrollersystem, 2002 Type: Master's Thesis |
Kaaber, Christian
Taktisk- og strategisk styring af autonom robot, 2002 Type: Master's Thesis |
Hansen, Lars Fogtmann
Verification af software, 2002 Type: Master's Thesis |
Hanssing, Nicolai
Bølgelængdeidentifikation, 2001 Type: Master's Thesis |
Pedersen, Kenneth L.
Design af en generel netværksbaseret embedded controller, 2001 Type: Master's Thesis |
Hansen, Bo Kjøller
Embeddede systemer på Internettet, 2001 Type: Master's Thesis |
Pontoppidan, Christoffer
Fjernovervågning og kontrol af robotter, 2001 Type: Master's Thesis |
Greiner, Søren Bredahl
Forhindringsdetektion for Mobile Robotter, 2001 Type: Master's Thesis |
Abrahamsen, Rune Bech
Gain Scheduling Using the Class of Stabilizing Controllers, 2001 Type: Master's Thesis |
Madsen, Jacob Skov
Positionsregulering af 3DOF robot, 2002 Type: Master's Thesis |
Ravnsted-Larsen, Søren
Sensorbaseret robot positionering, 2001 Type: Master's Thesis |
Nielsen, Martin
Software til samarbejdende robotter, 2001 Type: Master's Thesis |
Bajelan, Babak
Specialiseret søgerobot, 2001 Type: Master's Thesis |
Nielsen, Morten Bo
The Design of an intelligent colonoscope, 2001 Type: Master's Thesis |
Gnidstrup, Anders
Undersøgelse af realtidssystemer for autonome robotter, 2001 Type: Master's Thesis |
Administrative experience
- Head of studies for the M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering from 2007-2017
- Member of DTU Academic Council from 2005-2011, 2015-2023
- Head of Automation section from 2001-2022
- Head of international expert panel for the TEE (Teaching Evaluation Exercise) at Aalto University in 2011
- Head of E-data bar from 2002.
- Member of DTU IT safety committee
- Head of the Ørsted IT committee from 2001-2007.
- Member of the DTU IT committee from 2001.
- Head of institute (Servolaboratoriet) from February 1992 - March 1993.
- Member of the board of institute from March 1993.
- Member of the Steering Committee of the EC TEMPUS Joint European Project JEP 0962.
- Project leader of the cross-departemental project in Computer Aided Control Engineering in March 1987.
- Project coordinator on EU- COPERNICUS'93 project.Dynamic control of robotic manipulators, -- Mechatronic approach.
- Member of the Steering Committee of the EU ESPRIT NOE ICIMS.
- Member of the Steering Committee of the EU TEMPUS CCATIE.
Public Outreach
- Robotterne kommer - fra Zoo, Videnskaben Verden DR P1, 13. marts 2010 kl 16.00
- Mekaniske Kæledyr, DR P1 Morgen, 13. marts 2010 kl. ca 8.49
- Robotter, Foredrag UNF, 11. februar 2010
- Robot mestrer kaosteorien, videnskab.dk, 18. januar 2010
- Robot efteraber insekter, Jyllands-Posten, 18. januar 2010
- Automation: Version 2.0-robotløsninger kæmper om guldet, Ingeniøren, 19. juni 2009.
- Naturen viser robotterne vejen, Politiken, 17. maj 2009.
- Følg dansk robot væddeløb live, T3, 16. april 2009.
- Live stream: Følg Robocup 2009 på DTU netop nu, Ingeniøren, 15 april 2009.
- Støbt hånd til robotten på vej, Ingeniøren, 18. januar 2009
- Robotter med fokus på industri og service, Indlæg ved Dansk Metals Hovestadens årsmøde, 4. november 2008
- Når mennesker har følelser for maskiner, Kristeligt Dagblad, 22. oktober 2008
- Robotterne er iblandt os, Jyllands-Posten, 8. september 2008
- Dræber-dronen, BT, 15. juni 2008
- Robotter: Lille robot, hvor er du?, Ingeniøren, 18. april 2008
- En pose robotter, tak, Weekendavisen 4. april 2008
- Generalforsamling: Nye visioner skal styrke Dansk Robot Forening, Jern og Maskin Industrien, 19. februar 2008
- Viden om - Bilen kører selv, DR 2, 5. februar 2008,
- Menneske og maskine, oplæg tilForum for Eksistens og Videnskab, 23. oktober 2007
- Robotternes verden, UNF studiebesøg, 9. oktober 2007.
- Planet Voice, Voice TV, 30. maj 2007. ca 30 min i løbet af programmet.
- Ny Sciencecamp, Det Grønne Område, 13. april 2007 (Infomedia: e09545b5)
- "Rosebot" vandt DTU-konkurrence, Det Grønne Område, 20. april 2007 (Infomedia: e09545b8)
- Robotter i hverdagen, DR Barracuda, 19. april 2007. (5 min)
- Dyst om robotter, Nyhedsavisen, 13. april 2007
- Robotøvelser på gulv, Politiken, 13. april 2007 (Infomedia: e093e70a)
- Robocup: En tur i robotlegeland, Information, 13. april 2007 (Infomedia: e093e41f)
- Live transmissioner fra DTU RoboCup, TV2 News, 12. april 2007
- Dyst om robotter får os på Mars, Avisen.dk, 12. april 2007
- Robotter i åben kamp, MetroExpress, 11. april 2007
- DTU-robot blev trækplaster i "Den Naturvidenskabelige Landsby", DTU Avisen, 2. november 2006
- De første danske astronauter øver sig på DTU, DR TV Avisen/DR2 Deadline, 11. oktober 2006
- De første danske astronauter øver sig, DR TV Avisen, 11. oktober 2006 kl: 18:30
- Flere og bedre robotter, Ingeniøren, 6. oktober 2006
- Dyt-båt byg en robot, Jyllands-Posten, 9. september 2006
- Kloge børn på DTU-lejr, Det Grønne Område, 4. juli 2006
- Forsker: Robotter mod nye højder, DR P1 Morgen, 3. juli 2006 kl. 6.32 og kl. 8.32
- Ferie-tilbud til børn fra DTU og Experimentarium, Ingeniøren, 26. juni 2006
- Team Rose satte Crazy Ivan på plads, DTU Avisen, 6. juni 2006
- Jysk robot var bedst, JP København, 13. maj 2006
- RoboCup på DTU, TV2 Lorry, 11. maj 2006 kl. 19:30 (Vælg udsendelsen den 11. maj kl. 19:30 og klik "OK". Vælg derefter indslag 11 "Regionen rundt" i højre side)
- Frivilligt fastlåst i robotternes verden, Ingeniøren, 17. marts 2006
- Robotterne kommer for 10. gang, DTU Avisen nr. 3, 2. marts 2006
- Skoleelever på videnskabslejr, Det Grønne Område, 7. februar 2006
- Skoleelever på besøg på DTU, TV2 Lorry, 7. december 2005
- Robotter til land til vands og i luften, Foredrag hos IDA, 20. september 2005
- AEG Elektronfondens Elektronpris 2005 til engageret robotmand på DTU, CampusXpress, 6. september 2005
- Kreative arbejdspladser, TV2 Lorry, 27. juni 2005
- Robotfodbold
- Interview med robot-lektor Ole Ravn
- Interview med robot-studerende
- Mellem kunstige mennesker og Homo Sapiens 2.0. Videnskabscafé på Stadsbibliotektet i Lyngby, 12. maj 2005
- Natty Bumby i Dyrehaven, Arrangement ved Forskningens Døgn, 12. maj 2005
- Robotterne kommer, Ekstra Bladet, 9. maj 2005
- Robotterne kommer! - senere, Magasinet GEAR, maj 2005
- Robotterne kommer, MOK-bladet KFUM/KFUK i Danmark, maj 2005
- DM i robotter, TV2 Nyhederne, 14. april 2005
- Wild Willie vandt, TV 2 Lorry, 14. april 2005
- MMR i Dyrehaven, DR P1 Eftermiddag, 1./13. april 2005
- Selvsamlende robotter, DR, P1 Videnskabens Verden, 2. april 2005
- Robotternes indtog, DR, P1: Agenda, 6. februar 2005
- Oplægsholder for et udvalg fra Det Etiske Råd om 'Integration mellem Menneske og Maskine'
- Robotforskning på DTU, DR, P1: Videnskabens Verden, 13 November 2004
- Robotterne invaderer vores hjem, DR1, Nyhedsmagasinet, 25 October 2004
- Robotter, TV2 Lorry: Brunch, 29 September 2004
- Mester-robotterne - Eurobot, DR2 Viden Om, 31 August 2004
- Klods Hans snublede på målstregen,Berlingske Tidende, 23 April 2004
- Robotdesignere,Information, 22 April 2004
- Robotter på DTU,TV2 Lorry Nyheder kl. 19.30, midt i program, 2'/30' , 22 April 2004
- RoboCup, TV2 Go'morgen Danmark kl. 7.49, midt i program, 7', 22 April 2004
- Tæt robotkamp på DTU,Hver dag, 20 April 2004
- Robotterne kommer, Et øjeblik på DR, P1, 4 August 2003
- Deltagerrekord til robotkamp på DTU, Urban, 23 April 2003
- DR - Radioavisen 24/4/2003 (MP3 Audio 1.2 MB)
- RoboCup, TV2 - Go' morgen Danmark 24/4/2003 kl 8:37
- Crazy Ivan bommede i målet, Berlingske Tidende, 24 April 2003
- Mediestunt, Godmorgen P3, DR, 22 April 2003
- Robotter - det er sejt!, Om skolen, 34/dec. 2002
- Viden om: Robotlandmand - Robotterne indtager landbruget, DR2, 3 December 2002
- Børn på Ørsted•DTU - Skolebørn ser på robotter, TV-Lorry, 22 October 2002
- Gale Ivan rablede, Jyllands Posten, 25 April 2002
- RoboCup 2002, TV2 Go'morgen Danmark, 24 April 2002 kl. 8.40
- Robotkonkurrence, TV 2 Nyhederne, 24 April 2002 kl. 19:00
- Robotkonkurrence, DR1 TV-Avisen, 24 April 2002 kl. 21.00
- RoboCup i Lyngby, TV2 Go'aften Danmark, 24 April 2002 kl. 18.25
- Overraskende vinder af årets RoboCup finale, IngeniørenNet, 24 April 2002
- De følsomme førerløses triumf, Berlingske Tidende, 24 April 2002
- DTU RoboCup 2002 - robotternes tumleplads, Sletten, no. 07, 23 April 2002
- Et liv fyldt med robotter, Ingeniøren - Portræt, 19 April 2002
- Robotfeberen hærger, Jyllands Posten, 19 April 2002
- Dyt-båt-robot, Jyllands-Posten, 3 May 2001
- Drenge-drømme, B.T., 3 May 2001
- Crazy Ivan tog RoboCup for andet år i træk, Politiken, 3 May 2001
- Årets RoboCup, Berlingske Tidende, 3 May 2001
To see my publications go to my office homepage or to Orbit and scroll down >
- O. Ravn. Forsøg med hybrid adaptiv regulering. Technical report, Servolaboratoriet, DTH, March 1986. in danish.
- O. Ravn. Datastrukturen i SLLAB. Technical report, Servolaboratoriet, DTH, December 1986. in danish.
- A. C. Christensen and O. Ravn. On flexible CAD of adaptive control & identification algorithms. In Proceedings of the 4th IFAC Symposium on Computer Aided Design in Control Systems -- CADCS '88, Beijing, P.R.C., August 1988.
- O. Ravn. SL Toolbox for use with PRO-MATLAB, PC-MATLAB and SLLAB. Servolaboratoriet, DTH, 1988.
- O. Ravn. Forskelle og ligheder mellem modelreference adaptive systems og tidsdiskrete rekursive parameteridentifikationsmetoder. Technical report, Servolaboratoriet, DTH, 1988. in danish.
- O. Ravn and A. C. Christensen. SLLAB - a new software package for general purpose CAD and testing of control systems. In Proceedings of the 4th IFAC Symposium on Computer Aided Design in Control Systems -- CADCS '88, Beijing, P.R.C., August 1988.
- O. Ravn. Using SLLAB for computer aided design and real-time testing of control systems. In Proceedings of INTEREX'89, San Franscisco, California, USA., September 1989.
- O. Ravn. On user-friendly interface construction for CACSD packages. In Proceedings of the IEEE Control Systems Society Symposium on Computer Aided Control System Design, pages 35-40, Tampa, Florida, USA, December 1989.
- N. Andersen and O. Ravn. Realtime vision feedback in automatic control systems. In Proceeding of the 9th IASTED International Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control, Innsbruck, Austria, February 1990.
- N. Andersen and O. Ravn. Vision as a multipurpose sensor in realtime systems. In Proccedings of the ISMM International Symposium Mini and Microcomputers and their Applications, pages 196-199, Lugano, Italy, June 1990.
- O. Ravn. Objectives and concepts in CACE. In Proceeding of the Nordic CACE Symposium, Lyngby, Denmark, November 1990.
- O. Ravn and H. Niemann, editors. Proceedings of the Nordic CACE Symposium, Lyngby, Denmark, November 1990.
- A. Henningsen, A. Christensen, and O. Ravn. A PID autotuner utilizing GPC and constraint optimization. In Proceeding of the 29th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, December 1990.
- A. Henningsen, S. Laursen, and O. Ravn. Real-time adaptive control using CPAS on a MC68010-based process computer. In Proceeding of the IEE International Conference -- Control '91, Edinburgh, Scotland, March 1991. Invited paper.
- N. Andersen, O. Ravn, and A. Sørensen. Real-time vision based control of servomechanical systems. In Proceeding of the 2nd International Symposium on Experimental Robotics -- ISER'91, Toulouse, France, June 1991.
- O. Ravn and M. Szymkat. The evolution of CACSD tools -- a software engineering perspective. In Proceedings of the 1992 IEEE Symposium on Computer Aided Control System Design CACSD'92, Napa, CA, USA, March 1992.
- A. Henningsen and O. Ravn. Model reference adaptive control and adaptive stability augmentation. In Proceeding of the IFAC Symposium on Adaptive Systems in Control and Signal Processing -- ASCSP'92, Grenoble, France, July 1992.
- O. Ravn. Software engineering principles. In Proceedings of the IEE colloquium Open Systems - The way forward in CACE, London, England, December 1992. IEE. Invited paper.
- O. Ravn, N. Andersen, and A. Sørensen. Auto-calibration in automation systems using vision. In Proceeding of the 3rd International Symposium on Experimental Robotics -- ISER'93, Koyoto, Japan, October 1993.
- M. Rostgaard, N. K. Poulsen, and O. Ravn. General predictive control using the delta-operator. In Proceeding of the 32nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, San Antonio, Texas, USA, December 1993.
- M. Rostgaard, N. K. Poulsen, and O. Ravn. A rapprochement between discrete-time operators. In Proceedings of the 2nd European Control Conference, ECC'93, Groningen, Nederlands, June 1993.
- M. Rostgaard, N. K. Poulsen, B. G. Thygesen, and O. Ravn. Stochastic modelling and adaptive LQG control of a ship. In Proceedings of the 12th IFAC World Conference, Sydney, Australia, July 1993.
- O. Ravn and N. A. Andersen. A test bed for experiments with intelligent vehicles. In Proceedings of the First Workshop on Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles, Southampton, England, April 1993.
- O. Ravn and N. A. Andersen. An intelligent vehicle - indoor navigation. In Proceedings of the 9. Fachgespräch über Autonome Mobile Systeme AMS 93, München, Germany, October 1993.
- H. A. Barker, C. P. Jobling, O. Ravn, and M. Szymkat. A requirements analysis of future environments for computer aided control engineering. In Proceedings of the 12th IFAC World Conference, Sydney, Australia, July 1993.
- O. Ravn and M. Szymkat. Requirements for user interaction support in future CACE environments. In Proceedings of the 1994 IEEE Symposium on Computer Aided Control System Design CACSD'94, Tucson, Arizona, USA, March 1994.
- S. Torp, P. M. Nørgaard, A. C. Christensen, and O. Ravn. Implementational issues in CACSD. In Proceedings of the 1994 IEEE Symposium on Computer Aided Control System Design CACSD'94, Tucson, Arizona, USA, March 1994.
- M. Rostgaard, N. K. Poulsen, and O. Ravn. Spectral factorization using the delta-operator. System and Control Letters, 22:293-301, 1994.
- M. Rostgaard, N. K. Poulsen, M. B. Lauritsen, and O. Ravn. ML estimation for delta based state space models. In Proceeding of SYSID'94, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 1994. IFAC.
- O. Ravn. Objectives and concepts in CACE. In M. A. Brdy's and K. Malinowski, editors, Computer Aided Control System Design, Methods, Tools and Related Topics, pages 19-24. World Scientific, 1994.
- O. Ravn. An interactive environment in MATLAB. In M. A. Brdy's and K. Malinowski, editors, Computer Aided Control System Design, Methods, Tools and Related Topics, pages 39-44. World Scientific, 1994.
- O. Ravn. Advanced topics using MATLAB and SIMULINK. In M. A. Brdy's and K. Malinowski, editors, Computer Aided Control System Design, Methods, Tools and Related Topics, pages 249-262. World Scientific, 1994.
- M. Rostgaard, N. K. Poulsen, and O. Ravn. Pay-load estimation of a flexible robot. Technical report, IMM, DTU, 1994.
- M. Rostgaard, M. Lauritsen, N. K. Poulsen, and O. Ravn. Quadratic controllers based on long range prediction. Technical report, IMM, DTU, 1994.
- G. L. Andersen, A. C. Christensen, and O. Ravn. Augmented models for improving vision control of a mobile robot. In Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE Conference on Control Apllications, Glasgow, Scotland, August 1994.
- G. L. Andersen, A. C. Christensen, and O. Ravn. Mobile robot navigation in indoor environments using highways and off-road. In Proceedings of the 2nd IFAC Conference on Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles, Espoo, Finland, June 1995.
- N. Andersen, L. Henriksen, and O. Ravn. Navigation and control of an experimental intelligent vehicle. In Proceedings of the 2nd IFAC Conference on Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles, Espoo, Finland, June 1995.
- P. M. Nørgaard, S. Torp, A. Christensen, and O. Ravn. A CACE tool for analysis and design of adaptive control systems. In Proceedings of Symposium on Adaptive Systems in Control and Signal Processing , ACASP95, Budapest, Hungary, 1995.
- O. Ravn, L. Henriksen, and N. Andersen. Visual positioning and docking of non-holonomic vehicles. In Proceeding of the 4th International Symposium on Experimental Robotics, ISER'95, Stanford, California, USA, July 1995.
- O. Ravn and M. Szymkat. Mechatronics approach to robotic modelling. software engineering perspective. In Proceeding of the 2nd International Symposium on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics MMAR'95, Miedzyzdroje, Poland, August 1995. Plenary Paper.
- O. Ravn, A. Pjetursson, and N. A. Andersen. A system architecture for experimental autonomous vehicles. In Proceedings of the 11. Fachgespräch über Autonome Mobile Systeme AMS 95, Karlsruhe, Germany, October 1995.
- M. Szymkat, O. Ravn, A. Turnau, K. Kolek, and A. Pjetursson. Integrated mechatronic modelling environments. In International Conference on Recent Advances in Mechatronics, Istanbul, Turkey, August 1995.
- O. Ravn. Konstruktion af Adaptive Systemer. PhD thesis, Department of Automation, Technical University of Denmark, November 1995. In danish.
- O. Ravn. Adaptive systemer, - en kort introduktion. Technical report, Department of Automation, Technical University of Denmark, September 1996. In danish.
- O. Ravn, M. Szymkat, T. Uhl, M. Betemps, A. Pjetursson, and J. Rod. Mechatronic blockset for simulink, - concept and implementation. In Proceedings of the 1996 IEEE Symposium on Computer Aided Control System Design CACSD'96, Dearborn, MI, USA, September 1996.
- M. Nørgaard, O. Ravn, L. K. Hansen, and N. K. Poulsen. The NNSYSID toolbox - a MATLAB toolbox for system identification with neural networks. In Proceedings of the 1996 IEEE Symposium on Computer Aided Control System Design CACSD'96, Dearborn, MI, USA, September 1996.
- M. Nørgaard, O. Ravn, N. K. Poulsen, and L. K. Hansen. NNCTRL - a CANCSD tool kit for MATLAB. In Proceedings of the 1996 IEEE Symposium on Computer Aided Control System Design CACSD'96, Dearborn, MI, USA, September 1996.
- M. Nørgaard, P. H. Sørensen, N. K. Poulsen, O. Ravn, and L. K. Hansen. Intelligent predictive control of nonlinear processes using neural networks. In Proceedings of ISIC'96, Dearborn, MI, USA, September 1996.
- M. Szymkat and O. Ravn. Computer aided control engineering -- current approaches to design methodologies. In Proceedings of the 7th IFAC Symposium on Computer Aided Control System Design CACSD'97, Gent, Belgium, April 1997.
- O. Ravn and M. Szymkat. Modelling and calibration with mechatronic blockset for simulink. In Proceedings of the 11th IFAC Symposium on System Identification SYSID'97, Fukuoka, Japan, July 1997.
- M. Nørgaard, N. K. Poulsen, and O. Ravn. NNSYSID & NNCTRL -- MATLAB tools for system identification and control with neural networks. In Proceedings of the 11th IFAC Symposium on System Identification SYSID'97, Fukuoka, Japan, July 1997.
- L. Henriksen, O. Ravn, and N. Andersen. Autonomous vehicle interaction with in-door environments. In Proceeding of the 5th International Symposium on Experimental Robotics -- ISER'97, Barcelona, Catalonia, June 1997.
- J. Lildballe, O. Ravn, and N. Andersen. A client/server based approach for development of control systems. Technical report, IAU, DTU, 1997.
- T. D. Larsen, J. Lildballe, N. Andersen, and O. Ravn. Robot control for dynamic environment using vision and autocalibration. Technical report, IAU, DTU, 1997.
- M. Nørgaard, N. K. Poulsen, and O. Ravn. Autonomous guided vehicle, modelling. Technical Report IMM-REP-1997-25, IMM, DTU, 1997.
- M. Nørgaard, N. K. Poulsen, and O. Ravn. Autonomous guided vehicle, sensor analysis. Technical Report IMM-REP-1997-26, IMM, DTU, 1997.
- P. H. Sørensen, M. Nørgaard, O. Ravn, and N. K. Poulsen. Implementation of neural network based non-linear predictive control. In Proceeding of NEURAP'98, Marseille, France, March 1998. invited paper.
- T. D. Larsen, M. Bak, N. A. Andersen, and O. Ravn. Location estimation for an autonomous guided vehicle using an augmented kalman filter to autocalibrate the odometry. In Proceeding of FUSION'98, Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A., July 1998.
- M. Bak, T. D. Larsen, M. Nørgaard, N. A. Andersen, N. K. Poulsen, and O. Ravn. Location estimation using delayed measurements. In Proceeding of IEEE 5th International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control AMC'98, Coimbra, Portugal, July 1998.
- O. Ravn. Simulation and rapid prototyping of adaptive control systems using the adaptive blockset for simulink. In Proceeding of IFAC Workshop on Adaptive Control and Signal Processing ACSP'98, Glasgow, UK, August 1998.
- P. H. Sørensen, O. Ravn, M. Nørgaard, and N. K. Poulsen. Neural generalized predictive control of a non-linear process. In Proceeding of 3rd World Multiconference on Systems, Cybernetics & Informatics, Orlando, Florida, U.S.A., July 1998.
- O. Ravn and N. A. Andersen. Experimental autonomous vehicle systems, - requirements and a prototype architecture. In Proceedings of 5th IFAC Workshop pn Algorithms and Architectures for Real-time Control, AARTC’98, Cancun, Mexico, April 1998.
- T. D. Larsen, N. A. Andersen, O. Ravn, and N. K. Poulsen. Incorporation of time delayed measurements in a discrete-time kalman filter. In Proceeding of IEEE 37th Conference of Decision and Control, CDC’98, Tampa, Florida, U.S.A., December 1998.
- T. D. Larsen, N. A. Andersen, and O. Ravn. Sensor management for identity fusion on a mobile robot. In Proceeding of the 5th International conference on control, automation, robotics and vision, ICARCV’98, Singapore, December 1998.
- O. Ravn. Using the adaptive blockset for simulation and rapid prototyping. In Proceeding of IEEE Symposium on Computer Aided Control System Design, CACSD’99, Hawaii, USA, August 1999.
- O. Ravn, T. D. Larsen, and N. A. Andersen. Simulation and animation in simulink and vrml. In Proceeding of IEEE Symposium on Computer Aided Control System Design, CACSD’99, Hawaii, USA, August 1999.
- P. H. Sørensen, M. Nørgaard, O. Ravn, and N. K. Poulsen. Implementation of neural network based non-linear predictive control. Journal of Neurocomputing, 28:37–51, 1999.
- M. Nørgaard, N. K. Poulsen, and O. Ravn. Easy and accurate state estimation for nonlinear systems. In Proceeding of IFAC World Congress, Beijing, P.R.China, July 1999.
- T. D. Larsen, K. L. Hansen, N. A. Andersen, and O. Ravn. Design of kalman filters for mobile robots; evaluation of the kinematic and odometric approach. In Proceeding of IEEE Conference on Control Applications, CCA’99, Hawaii, USA, August 1999.
- T. D. Larsen, N. A. Andersen, and O. Ravn. A new approach for kalman filtering on mobile robots in the presence of uncertainties. In Proceeding of IEEE Conference on Control Applications, CCA’99, Hawaii, USA, August 1999.
- M. Bak, T. D. Larsen, N. A. Andersen, and O. Ravn. Auto-calibration of systematic odometry errors in mobile robots. In Proceeding of SPIE, Boston, MA, USA, August 1999.