Efren Fernandez Grande

Associate Professor

Head of MSc in Engineering Acoustics, DTU
Acoustic Technology, Department of Electrical and Photonics Engineering, DTU

ORCID: 0000-0002-8900-183X
WoS Researcher-ID: F-1724-2017

I am an Associate Professor at the Acoustic Technology group at DTU Electro. The main areas of my research are acoustics, signal processing and measurement methods, with the aim to advance how we sense, interact with and manipulate audible sound fields. I am the Head of Studies for the MSc in Engineering Acoustics at DTU, and teach the MSc course Advanced Acoustics and PhD course Research Topics in Acoustic Technology at DTU. I am a Fellow of the Acoustical Society of America, a VILLUM Young Investigator, and the Chair of the Technical Committee in Audio Signal Processing of the European Acoustics Association. I serve as Associate Editor for the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America and for Mechanical Systems Signal Processing.

Research interests

  • Sound radiation
  • Acoustic holography
  • Sound field analysis and characterization
  • Source localization, deconvolution and high resolution imaging
  • Room acoustics
  • Acousto-optics
  • Spatial audio and sound field control
  • Inverse problems in acoustics

Links and Publication lists
DTU staff site: here
Google Scholar: here
ResearchGate: here
WoS-Clarivate: here
ORCID: here
Linked-in: here

Datasets and software
Acoustic frequency responses of an empty cuboid room (2021)
Acoustic frequency responses in a conventional classroom (2021)
DTU three-channel room impulse response database for direction of arrival estimation (2020)
Room impulse response dataset - IEC listening room (2018)
EMBED software package - Efficient Methods for BEamforming Deconvolution (zip file, 2015)

Employment and education

2018   (current) Head of Studies of MSc in Engineering Acoustics, DTU
2017   (current) Associate Professor, Acoustic Technology group, DTU
2022   Visiting Professor - MIT Media Lab, Responsive Environments group
2014   Assistant Professor in acoustic Technolgy, DTU
2013   Postdoctoral fellow at the Technical University of Denmark (individual DFF/FTP grant)
2012   PhD, Near-field acoustic holography with novel transducers, DTU, sup. Finn Jacobsen
2008   MSc in Engineering Acoustics, Technical University of Denmark
2006   BSc in Telecommunication Engineering, Polytechnic University of Madrid

Advanced Acoustics, MSc Engineering Acoustics (10 ECTS)
Research Topics in acoustic Technology (5 ECTS)
Co-lecturer in various other courses
Since 2014 I have supervised > 50 MSc and BSc theses
Since 2015 I have supervised 12 PhDs, 6 as main supervisor and 6 as co-advisor

Fellowships and scientific memberships
Fellow of the Acoustical Society of America (ASA)
VILLUM Young Investigator Fellow
Technical Committee and member of Danish Acoustical Society
Technical Committee and member of the Acoustical Society of America
IEEE - Member