Curriculum Vitae for Henning Friis Poulsen

Address: Inst. of Physics, DTU, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark, E-mail:

Born: April 10 1961, married, one child, Danish citizen

ORCID: 0000-0001-7876-4113 

1985 - B.Sc. in Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science, University of Copenhagen
1989 - M.Sc. in General Engineering, The Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
1992 - Ph.D. in Physics, University of Copenhagen
2004 - Dr. Techn., DTU. Thesis title: “3DXRD – a new probe for materials science”

Academic Appointments 
01.02   1989 – 01.02 1992 - Ph.D. Student at Risø Nat. Lab., Denmark
01.02   1992 – 01.02 1995 - Post Doc at HASYLAB at DESY, Hamburg.
01.02   1995 -  01.12 2004 - Senior Scientist at Risø Nat. Lab., Denmark.
01.12   2004 -  30.03.2012 - Research Professor at Risø Nat. Lab./DTU, Denmark
01.04   2012 -  present       - Professor at the Technical University of Denmark

244 publications in international peer-reviewed journals according to Web of Science.  In addition, >75 publications in reviewed conference proceedings, 1 book, and 6 book chapters. H-index: 48 (Web of Science).  

Invited speaker: 
Approximately 50 invited talks at international conferences or seminars at foreign universities.  4 plenary/keynote presentations within the last 2 years.  

Educational activities:  
Supervisor or co-supervisor of 35 PhD students (currently 8 enrolled) and 35 post docs.

Current teaching activities

2020-2024 Statistical Physics,  MSc-course  5 ECTS (10122), responsible.
2022-2024 Advanced X-ray Imaging, MSc course, 5 ECTS points (10255), responsible.
2022-2024  Innovation projects at the Physics Department, MSc course, 5 ECTS points (10750) , co-responsible
2018-2024 Introduction to advanced materials. BSc course, 5 ECTS points (41680), co-responsible
2018-2024 Materials characterization and testing. BSc course. 5 ECTS points (41685), co-responsible 
2018-2024 The structure and dynamics of materails studied with X-rays and neutrons, BSc course (10200), co-responsible
2018-2024  X-ray and Neutron Experiments at International Research Facilities, BSc course, 5 ECTS points (10209), co-responsible 

 2024: Give guest lectures in 6 other courses at DTU and KU