IEA Annex 86 - Smart materials as an IAQ management strategy
IEA Annex 86 Subtask 3 identifies opportunities to use novel materials (from advanced functional nano-materials to bio-based building materials) as building components to actively/passively manage the IAQ, for example, through active paint, wallboards and textiles coated with advanced sorbents or catalysts and quantify their potential based on the assessment framework developed in the project.

Leader: Prof. Menghao Qin (DTU)
Co-leader: Prof. Jensen Zhang (SU)
A3.1 Material properties and characterization of the products
Literature survey and laboratory testing to gather relevant data and existing knowledge about properties for transport, retention, and adsorption of chemical substances and moisture in new functional materials (e.g. Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs), photo-catalysts, precise humidity control material (PHCM), hemp concrete, etc.). The synergistic effect of VOC and moisture on the removal performance of the new materials will be studied.
3.1.1 Development of new functional materials and characterize their adsorption/conversion capabilities. (Partipants: DTU, ESPCI, AAU, MatNova)
3.1.2 Evaluation of the performance of the new materials in realistic built environment. (Partipants: SU, DTU, AAU, SJTU, NRC, KUL, TU/e)
3.1.3 Test and modelling of bio-based materials e.g. hemp concrete, and simulate their potential impact on damping the VOC concentration as well RH in ventilated spaces. (Partipants: SU, UPJV, AAU, SJTU, NRC, KUL)
A3.2 Modelling of the behaviour under typical residential conditions
Model setup and laboratory tests to analyse the performance of the new materials for IAQ control in residential buildings. The behaviour of the materials over time under different climates will be analysed and corresponding control strategies for IAQ management will be developed.
3.2.1 Modelling of the effect of RH on VOC and moisture potential buffering capacities of hemp concrete in building materials, study the effect of the coating layer (for multi-layered wall) on IAQ and thermal comfort. (Partipants: UPJV, SU)
3.2.2 Chamber tests to evaluate the effectiveness of selected functional materials for VOC adsorption/conversion to validate the model prediction. (Partipants: SU, NJU, MatNova, NRC, TJU, IPV-FEUP)
3.2.3 Modelling study on emissions and transport of new materials under typical ventilation systems used in residential buildings. (Partipants: SU, CSIRO, NRC, LBNL, TU/e)
A3.3 Assessing energy-saving and exposure reduction potential
Numerical simulations to study the energy-saving and exposure reduction potential of the new smart materials in residential buildings under different climatic conditions.
3.3.1 Experimental study of the energy-saving potential and exposure reduction potential of the new functional materials in residential buildings under different climates. (Partipants: DTU, SJTU, AAU, KUL, LBNL, IPV-FEUP)
3.3.2 Modelling study of the energy-saving potential and exposure reduction potential of the new functional materials in residential buildings under different climates. (Partipants: BUCEA, DTU, KUL, NJU, LBNL, TJU, TU/e)
Partners involved:
Stakeholders involved:
- Manufacturers of building materials shall be involved regarding testing and possible co-development of products that have a function to absorb indoor pollutants.
- Building designers, health organizations, and technological institutes who make testing for industry and run their labeling systems are also among potential stakeholders.
D3.1 A comprehensive review of ad/desorption and transport properties of the smart materials developed in the project for IAQ control.
D3.2 Mechanistic models for estimating the energy-saving and exposure reduction potential of the new materials under realistic environmental conditions. The data and models will be published in scientific journal articles and a project report.
D3.3 A test method for evaluating VOC removal performance of the new materials under a realistic built environment.
Partners full name:
DTU (DK), Technical University of Denmark
SU (USA), Syracuse University
ESPCI (FR), ESPCI Paris - PSL University
LBNL (USA), Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
NRC (CA), National Research Council
UPJV (FR), University of Picardie Jules Verne
NJU (CN), Nanjing University
SJTU (CN), Shanghai Jiao Tong University
AAU (DK), Aalborg University
KUL (BE), KU Leuven
TJU (CN), Tianjin University
MatNova (BE), Materia Nova
IPV-FEUP (PT), Polytechnic Institute of Viseu (IPV) and University of Porto (FEUP)
BUCEA (CN), Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture
BBRI (BE), Belgian Building Research Institute
TU/e (NL), Eindhoven University of Technology
CSIRO (AU),Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization