Mirko Salewski

Professor of Plasma Physics, Dr. Techn., PhD

Mirko Salewski
Department of Physics
Technical University of Denmark
Fysikvej Building 309
DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby
Building 309, room 146
Phone +45 23 66 84 44
Google Scholar
My publications

Prof. Salewski works on developing fusion energy into a future energy source. He works with measurements of energetic particles in fusion plasmas by tomography, in particular in velocity-space and phase-space, which is the combined position- and velocity space. (see dr.techn. thesis). New developments include neural network and physics-informed prior information such as orbit tomography and slowing-down physics regularization tomography. The measurements are made on the tokamaks JET, ASDEX Upgrade, DIII-D, EAST, MAST and TCV and the stellarators Wendelstein 7-X and LHD by fast-ion D-alpha spectroscopy, collective Thomson scattering, neutron emission spectrometry, gamma-ray spectroscopy, neutral particle analyzers, fast-ion loss detectors, ion cyclotron emission diagnostics, and MeV protons. Eventually the velocity-space tomography method is developed to study energetic alpha particles from fusion reactions in the next-step fusion device ITER. Prof. Salewski is an ITER Scientist Fellow and serves as Chair for the ITPA Topical Group on Energetic Particle Physics that organizes a wordwide research programme to support the ITER tokamak. Prof. Salewski enjoys teaching BSc-, MSc- and PhD-level courses and teaches at the moment Electromagnetism for Physicists, Plasma Physics, and the Physics of Sports. Weblinks: ResearcherID, my GoogleScholar.


Energetic Particle Physics

Prof. Salewski works on developing fusion energy into a future energy source. He works with measurements of energetic particles in fusion plasmas by tomography, in particular in velocity-space and phase-space, which is the combined position- and velocity space. (see dr.techn. thesis). A measured 2D fast-ion velocity distribution function at the tokamak JET looks like this:

The coordinate axes are the velocities parallel and perpendicular to the local magnetic field. New developments include neural network and physics-informed prior information such as orbit tomography and slowing-down physics regularization tomography. The measurements are made on the tokamaks JET, ASDEX Upgrade, DIII-D, EAST, MAST and TCV and the stellarators Wendelstein 7-X and LHD by fast-ion D-alpha spectroscopy, collective Thomson scattering, neutron emission spectrometry, gamma-ray spectroscopy, neutral particle analyzers, fast-ion loss detectors, ion cyclotron emission diagnostics, and MeV protons. Eventually the velocity-space tomography method is developed to study energetic alpha particles from fusion reactions in the next-step fusion device ITER. Prof. Salewski is an ITER Scientist Fellow and serves as Chair for the ITPA Topical Group on Energetic Particle Physics that organizes a wordwide research programme to support the ITER tokamak. Prof. Salewski enjoys teaching BSc-, MSc- and PhD-level courses and teaches at the moment Electromagnetism for Physicists, Plasma Physics, and the Physics of Sports. Weblinks: ResearcherID, my GoogleScholar.

Dr. techn. thesis (DTU)

M Salewski (2020) 
Fast-ion diagnostic in fusion plasmas by velocity-space tomography

Review article in the Nuclear Fusion Special Issue: On the Path to Burning Plasma Operations

M Salewski et al. (2025) Nucl. Fusion 65 at press
Energetic Particle Physics - Chapter 7 in the Special Issue: On the Path to Burning Plasma Operations



Journal publications on energetic particle physics (selective)

95. H. Järleblad et al. (2025) Nucl. Fusion 65 016060

Reconstruction of the fast-ion deuterium distribution in a tritium-rich plasma in the JET DTE2 campaign

95. A. Valentini et al. (2025) Nucl. Fusion 65 026001                                                    

A model for analytical calculations of synthetic neutron energy spectra from beam-target reactions

94. Y. Sun et al. (2025) Nucl. Fusion 65 016040

Fast ion studies in the extended high-performance high βP plasma on EAST

93. B.S. Schmidt et al. (2025) Nucl. Fusion 65 016025

Neural networks for reconstruction and uncertainty quantification of fast-ion phase-space distributions using FILD and INPA measurements

92. R. Ochoukov et al. (2024) Nucl. Fusion 64 126060

Experimental and numerical investigation of the Doppler-shifted resonance condition for high frequency Alfven eigenmodes on ASDEX Upgrade

91. D. Moseev et al. (2024) Rev. Sci. Instrum. 95 103506

Optimization of fast-ion diagnostic sets in tokamaks and stellarators using diagnostic weight functions

90. B.S. Schmidt et al. (2024) Nucl. Fusion 64 106053

Anisotropic regularization for inversion of fast-ion loss detector measurements

89. A. Valentini et al. (2024) Rev. Sci. Instrum. 95 083551

Relativistic calculations of neutron and gamma-ray spectra from beam-target reactions in magnetized plasmas

88. M. Rud et al. (2024) Nucl. Fusion 64 076018

Orbit tomography in constants-of-motion phase-space

87. M. Nishiura et al. (2024) Phys. Plasmas 31 062505

Core density profile control by energetic ion anisotropy in LHD

86. B.S. Schmidt et al. (2024) Nucl. Fusion 64 076009

Iterative reconstruction methods and the resolution principle for fast-ion loss detector measurements

85. D. Moseev et al. (2024) Nucl. Fusion 64 066028

Influence of sawtooth oscillations on fast ions in a stellarator

84. J. Rueda-Rueda et al. (2024) Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 66 065025

Tomographic reconstructions of the fast-ion phase space using imaging neutral particle analyser measurements

83. D. Moseev et al. (2024) J. Instrum. 19 C03056

Commissioning and first results of the 174 GHz collective Thomson scattering diagnostic at Wendelstein 7-X

82. B.S. Schmidt et al. (2024) Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 66 045004

A new FILDSIM model for improved velocity-space sensitivity modelling and reconstructions

81. M Rud et al. (2024) Nucl. Fusion 64 036007
Diagnostic weight functions in constants-of-motion phase-space

80. H Jarleblad et al. (2024) Nucl. Fusion 64 026015
Fast-ion orbit origin of neutron emission spectroscopy measurements in the JET DT campaign

79. H Jarleblad et al. (2024) Comp. Phys. Comm. 294, 108930
A framework of synthetic diagnostics using energetic-particle orbits in tokamaks

78. L Liu et al (2024) Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 66 015007
Interpretation of ion cyclotron emission from sub-Alfvenic beam-injected ions heated plasmas soon after L-H mode transition in EAST

77. R. Ochoukov et al 2023 Nucl. Fusion 63 046001
Analysis of high-frequency Alfven eigenmodes observed in ASDEX Upgrade in the presence of RF-accelerated NBI ions

76. A Dal Molin et al 2024 Meas. Sci. Technol. 34 085501
A new hard x-ray spectrometer of runaway electron measurements in tokamaks

75. S. Benjamin et al (2023) Comp. Phys. Comm. 292, 108893
Distribution transforms for guiding-center coordinates in axisymmetric tokamak plasmas

74. S.E. Sharapov et al 2023 Nucl. Fusion 63 112007
Experiments on excitation of Alfven eigenmodes by alpha-particles with bump-on-tail distributions in JET DTE2 plasmas

73. M. Maslov et al (2023) Nucl. Fusion 63 112002
JET D-T scenario with optimized non-thermal fusion

72. BS Schmidt et al. (2023) Phys. Plasmas 30, 092109
Velocity-space sensitivity and inversion of synthetic ion cyclotron emission

71. BS Schmidt et al (2023) Nucl. Fusion 63 076016
4D and 5D phase-space tomography using slowing-down physics regularization

70. M Nocente et al. (2022) Rev. Sci. Instrum. 93 093520
Fusion product measurements by nuclear diagnostics in the Joint European Torus deuterium-tritium 2 campaign (invited)

69. JE Mencke et al. (2022) Rev. Sci. Instrum. 93 123503
Characterization of correlations of fast-ion H-alpha measurement volumes in Wendelstein 7-X by particle tracking

67. H Jarleblad et al. (2022) Nucl. Fusion 62 112005
Fast-ion orbit sensitivity of neutron and gamma-ray diagnostics for one-step fusion reactions

66. F Nabais et al. (2022) Nucl. Fusion 62 104001
Bump-on-tail distributions caused by Alfvénic redistribution of energetic ions

65. BCG Reman et al. (2022) Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 64 085008
First observation and interpretation of spontaneous collective radiation from fusion-born ions in a stellarator plasma

64. VG Kiptily et al. (2022) Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 64 064001
Excitation of Alfven eigenmodes by fusion-born alpha-particles in D-He-3 plasmas on JET

63. SB Korsholm et al. (2022) Rev. Sci. Instum. 93 103539
ITER collective Thomson scattering - Preparing to diagnose fusion-born alpha particles (invited)

62. L Stagner et al. (2022) Nuclear Fusion 62 026033
Orbit tomography of energetic particle distribution functions

61. A Bierwage et al. (2022) Computer Physics Communications 275 108305
Representation and modeling of charged particle distributions intokamaks

60. M Dreval et al. (2022) Nucl. Fusion 62 056001
Alfvén cascade eigenmodes above the TAE-frequency and localization of Alfvén modes in D-3He plasmas on JET

59. E Panontin et al. (2021) J. Instrum. 16 C12005
Comparison of unfolding methods for the inference of runaway electron energy distribution from gamma-ray spectroscopic measurements

58. J Su et al. (2021) Plasma Sci. Technol. 23(9) 095103
Reconstructions of velocity distributions from fast-ion D-alpha (FIDA) measurements on EAST

57. M Nocente et al. (2021) Rev. Sci. Instrum. 92 043537
A new tangential gamma-ray spectrometer for fast ion measurements in deuterium and deuterium-tritium plasmas of the Joint European Torus

56. BS Schmidt et al. (2021) Rev. Sci. Instrum. 92 053528
Determining 1D fast-ion velocity distribution functions from ion cyclotron emission data using deep neural networks

55. D Moseev et al. (2021) Rev. Sci. Instrum. 92 033546
Development of the ion cyclotron emission diagnostic for the W7-X stellarator

54. H Jarleblad et al. (2021) Rev..Sci. Instrum. 92 043526
Fast-ion orbit sensitivity of neutron emission spectroscopy diagnostics

53. E Panontin et al. (2021) Rev. Sci. Instrum. 92 053529
First spatially resolved measurements of the D?3He alpha-particle source with the upgraded JET gamma-ray camera

52. WW Heidbrink et al (2021) Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 63
Phase-space sensitivity (weight functions) of 3 MeV proton diagnostic

51. Ye O Kazakov et al 2021 Phys. Plasmas 28 020501
Physics and applications of three-ion ICRF scenarios for fusion research

50. Lunan Liu et al 2021 Nucl. Fusion 61 026004
Explanation of core ion cyclotron emission from beam-ion heated plasmas in ASDEX Upgrade by the magnetoacoustic cyclotron instability

49. B Madsen et al 2020 Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 62 115019
Fast-ion velocity-space tomography using slowing-down regularization in EAST plasmas with co- and counter-current neutral beam injection

48. M. Nocente et al 2020 Nucl. Fusion 60 124006
Generation and observation of fast deuterium ions and fusion-born alpha particles in JET $\mathrm{D-^3He}$ plasmas with the 3-ion radio-frequency heating scenario

47. R. Ochoukov et al 2020 Nucl. Fusion 60 126043
High frequency Alfvén eigenmodes detected with ion-cyclotron-emission diagnostics during NBI and ICRF heated plasmas on the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak

46. J. Huang et al 2020 Nucl. Fusion 60 016002
Improved high-performance fully non-inductive discharge by optimizing the fast-ion confinement on EAST

45. Ye.O. Kazakov et al 2020 Nucl. Fusion 60 112013
Plasma heating and generation of energetic D ions with the 3-ion ICRF + NBI scenario in mixed H-D plasmas at JET-ILW

44. B. Madsen et al 2020 Nucl. Fusion 60 066024
Tomography of the positive-pitc fast-ion velocity distribution in DIII-D plasmas with Alfvén eigenmodes and neoclassical tearing modes

43. M Nocente et al. 2020 Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 62 014015
MeV range particle physics studies in tokamak plasmas using gamma-ray spectroscopy

42. R. Ochoukov et al 2019 Nucl. Fusion 59 086032
Interpretation of core ion cyclotron emission driven by sub-Alfvénic beam-injected ions via magnetoacoustic cyclotron instability

41. J.R. Harrison et al 2019 Nucl. Fusion 59 112011
Overview of new MAST physics in anticipation of first results from MAST Upgrade
(Velocity-space tomography figure selected as highlight of results from MAST overview from the IAEA Fusion Energy Conference)

40. H Meyer et al. (2019) Nucl. Fusion 59 112014
Overview of physics studies on ASDEX Upgrade
(Velocity-space tomography figure selected as highlight of results from ASDEX Upgrade overview from the IAEA Fusion Energy Conference)

39. J Eriksson et al (2019) Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 61 014027
Measuring fast ions in fusion plasmas with neutron diagnostics at JET

38. M Salewski et al. (2019) Journal of Instrumentation 14 C05019
Diagnostic of fast-ion energy spectra and densities in magnetized plasmas

37. D Moseev & M Salewski (2019).  Physics of Plasmas 26  020901
Bi-Maxwellian, slowing-down, and ring velocity distributions of fast ions in magnetized plasmas

36. J Galdon-Quiroga et al (2019) Nucl. Fusion 59 066016
Observation of accelerated beam ion population during edge localized modes in the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak

35.M Salewski et al. (2018) Nuclear Fusion 58 096019
Alpha-particle velocity-space diagnostic in ITER

34. M Salewski et al. (2018) Fusion Science and Technology 74(1-2) 23-36
Bayesian Integrated Data Analysis of Fast-Ion Measurements by Velocity-Space Tomography

33. M Salewski et al. (2018) Nuclear Fusion 58 036017
Deuterium temperature, drift velocity, and density measurements in non-Maxwellian plasmas at ASDEX Upgrade

32. D Moseev, M Salewski, M Garcia-Muñoz,B Geiger, M Nocente (2018) Rev. Mod. Plasma Phys. 2, 7
Recent progress in fast-ion diagnostics for magnetically confined plasmas

31. B Madsen et al. (2018) Review of Scientific Instruments 89 10D125
Velocity-space tomography using prior information at MAST

30. J Galdon-Quiroga et al. (2018)  Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 60 105005
Velocity-space sensitivity and tomography of scintillator-based fast-ion loss detectors

29. M Nocente et al. (2018) Review of Scientific Instruments 89 10I124
High resolution gamma-ray spectrometer with MHz capabilities for runaway electron studies at ASDEX Upgrade

28. J Galdon-Quiroga et al. (2018) Physical Review Letters 121 025002
Beam-Ion Acceleration during Edge Localized Modes in the ASDEX Upgrade Tokamak

27. M Nocente et al (2017) Nucl. Fusion 57 076016
Conceptual design of the radial gamma ray spectrometers system for α particle and runaway electron measurements at ITER

26. M Weiland et al. (2017) Nuclear Fusion 57 116058
Phase-space resolved measurement of 2nd harmonic ion cyclotron heating using FIDA tomography at the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak

25. B Geiger et al. (2017) Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 59 115002
Fast-ion transport in low density L-mode plasmas at TCV using FIDA spectroscopy and the TRANSP code

24. AS Jacobsen et al. (2017) Review of Scientific Instruments 88 073506.
Velocity-space sensitivities of neutron emission spectrometers at the tokamaks JET and ASDEX Upgrade in deuterium plasmas

23. M Salewski et al. (2017) Nuclear Fusion 57 056001
MeV-range velocity-space tomography from gamma-ray and neutron emission spectrometry measurements at JET

22. M Schneider et al. (2016) Nuclear Fusion 56 112022
Modelling third harmonic ion cyclotron acceleration of deuterium beams for JET fusion product studies experiments

21. J Rasmussen et al. (2016) Nuclear Fusion 56 112014
Collective Thomson scattering measurements of fast-ion transport due to sawtooth crashes in ASDEX Upgrade

20. F Jaulmes et al. (2016) Nuclear Fusion 56 112012.
Numerical and experimental study of the redistribution of energetic and impurity ions by sawteeth in ASDEX Upgrade

19. M Salewski et al. (2016) Nuclear Fusion 56 106024 
High-definition velocity-space tomography of fast-ion dynamics

18. AS Jacobsen et al. (2016) Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 58045016
Inversion methods for fast-ion velocity-space tomography in fusion plasmas

17. AS Jacobsen et al. (2016) Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 58042002
Benchmark and combined velocity-space tomography of fast-ion D-Alpha spectroscopy and collective Thomson scattering measurements

16. M Weiland et al. (2016) Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 58025012
Enhancement of the FIDA diagnostic at ASDEX Upgrade for velocity-space tomography

15. M Salewski et al. (2016) Nuclear Fusion 56 046009
Fast-ion energy resolution by one-step reaction gamma-ray spectrometry

14. M Salewski et al. (2015) Nuclear Fusion 55 093029
Velocity-space observation regions of high-resolution two-step reaction gamma-ray spectroscopy

13. AS Jacobsen et al. (2015) Nuclear Fusion 55 053013
Velocity-space sensitivity of neutron spectrometry measurements 

12. J Eriksson et al. (2015) Nuclear Fusion 55 123026
Dual sightline Measurements of MeV range deuterons with neutron and gamma-ray spectroscopy at JET

11. B Geiger et al. (2015) Nuclear Fusion 55 083001
Fast-ion transport and neutral beam current drive at ASDEX Upgrade

10. M Salewski et al.  (2015) Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 57014021
Doppler tomography in fusion plasmas and astrophysics

9. AS Jacobsen et al. (2014) Review of Scientific Instruments 85 11E103
Velocity-space sensitivity of the time-of-flight neutron spectrometer at JET

8. M Salewskiet al.(2014) Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 56 105005
On velocity-space sensitivity of fast-ion D-alpha spectroscopy

7. M Salewskiet al.(2014) Nuclear Fusion 54 023005
Measurement of a 2D fast-ion velocity distribution function by tomographic inversion of fast-ion D-alpha spectra

6. M Salewski et al. (2013) Nuclear Fusion 53 063019
Combination of fast-ion diagnostics in velocity-space tomographies

5. M Salewski et al. (2012) Nuclear Fusion 52 103008
Tomography of fast-ion velocity-space distributions from synthetic CTS and FIDA measurements

4. M Salewskiet al. (2011) Nuclear Fusion 51 083014
On velocity space interrogation regions of fast-ion collective Thomson scattering at ITER

3. M. Salewski et al (2010) Nucl. Fusion 50 035012
Comparison of fast ion collective Thomson scattering measurements at ASDEX Upgrade with numerical simulations

2. M Salewski et al (2009) Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 51 035006
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion Comparison of collective Thomson scattering signals due to fast ions in ITER scenarios with fusion and auxiliary heating

1. M. Salewski et al (2009) Nucl. Fusion 49 025006
Impact of ICRH on the measurement of fusion alphas by collective Thomson scattering in ITER


Complete list of publications:

ResearcherID: C-7104-2008

Google Scholar: My publications


Dr. techn. thesis (DTU)

M Salewski (2020)
Fast-ion diagnostic in fusion plasmas by velocity-space tomography

Review article on Energetic Particle Physics in the Nucl. Fusion Special Issue: On the Path to Tokamak Burning Plasma Operation

M Salewski et al. (2025) Nuclear Fusion 65 at press
Energetic Particle Physics - Chapter 7 of the Special Issue: On the Path to Tokamak Burning Plasma Operation


My PhD students' and postdocs' first-author journal publications


24. H. Järleblad et al. (2025) Nucl. Fusion 65 016060

Reconstruction of the fast-ion deuterium distribution in a tritium-rich plasma in the JET DTE2 campaign

23. A. Valentini et al. (2025) Nucl. Fusion 65 26001                                                    

A model for analytical calculations of synthetic neutron energy spectra from beam-target reactions

22. B.S. Schmidt et al. (2025) Nucl. Fusion 65 16025

Neural networks for reconstruction and uncertainty quantification of fast-ion phase-space distributions using FILD and INPA measurements

21. B.S. Schmidt et al. (2024) Nucl. Fusion 64 106053

Anisotropic regularization for inversion of fast-ion loss detector measurements

20. A. Valentini et al. (2024) Rev. Sci. Instrum. 95 83551

Relativistic calculations of neutron and gamma-ray spectra from beam-target reactions in magnetized plasmas

19. M. Rud et al. (2024) Nucl. Fusion 64 76018

Orbit tomography in constants-of-motion phase-space

18. B.S. Schmidt et al. (2024) Nucl. Fusion 64 76009

Iterative reconstruction methods and the resolution principle for fast-ion loss detector measurements

17. B.S. Schmidt et al. (2024) Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 66 45004

A new FILDSIM model for improved velocity-space sensitivity modelling and reconstructions

16. M Rud et al. (2024) Nucl. Fusion 64 036007
Diagnostic weight functions in constants-of-motion phase-space

15. H Jarleblad et al. (2024) Nucl. Fusion 64 026015
Fast-ion orbit origin of neutron emission spectroscopy measurements in the JET DT campaign

14. H Jarleblad et al. (2024) Comp. Phys. Comm. 294, 108930
A framework of synthetic diagnostics using energetic-particle orbits in tokamaks

13. BS Schmidt et al. (2023) Phys. Plasmas 30, 092109
Velocity-space sensitivity and inversion of synthetic ion cyclotron emission

12. BS Schmidt et al (2023) Nucl. Fusion 63 076016
4D and 5D phase-space tomography using slowing-down physics regularization

11. H Jarleblad et al. (2022) Nucl. Fusion 62, 112005
Fast-ion orbit sensitivity of neutron and gamma-ray diagnostics for one-step fusion reactions

10. BS Schmidt et al. (2021) Rev. Sci. Instrum 92, 043526
Determining fast-ion velocity distribution functions from ion cyclotron emission data using deep neural networks

9. H Jarleblad et al. (2021) Rev. Sci. Instrum 92, 043526
Fast-ion orbit sensitivity of neutron emission spectroscopy diagnostics

8. B Madsen et al (2020) Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 62 115019
Fast-ion velocity-space tomography using slowing-down regularization in EAST plasmas with co- and counter-current neutral beam injection

7. B Madsen et al (2020) Nucl. Fusion 60 066024
Tomography of the positive-pitc fast-ion velocity distribution in DIII-D plasmas with Alfvén eigenmodes and neoclassical tearing modes

6. B Madsen et al. (2018) Review of Scientific Instruments 89 10D125
Velocity-space tomography using prior information at MAST

5. AS Jacobsen et al. (2017) Review of Scientific Instruments 88 073506.
Velocity-space sensitivities of neutron emission spectrometers at the tokamaks JET and ASDEX Upgrade in deuterium plasmas

4. AS Jacobsen et al. (2016) Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 58045016
Inversion methods for fast-ion velocity-space tomography in fusion plasmas

3. AS Jacobsen et al. (2016) Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 58042002
Benchmark and combined velocity-space tomography of fast-ion D-Alpha spectroscopy and collective Thomson scattering measurements

2. AS Jacobsen et al. (2015) Nuclear Fusion 55 053013
Velocity-space sensitivity of neutron spectrometry measurements 

1. AS Jacobsen et al. (2014) Review of Scientific Instruments 85 11E103
Velocity-space sensitivity of the time-of-flight neutron spectrometer at JET


My first-author journal publications 


23. M Salewski et al. (2025) Nuclear Fusion 58 at press
Energetic Particle Physics - Chapter 7 of the Special Issue: On the Path to Tokamak Burning Plasma Operation

22. M Salewski et al. (2019) Journal of Instrumentation 14 C05019
Diagnostic of fast-ion energy spectra and densities in magnetized plasmas

21. M Salewski et al. (2018) Nuclear Fusion 58 096019
Alpha-particle velocity-space diagnostic in ITER

20. M Salewski et al. (2018) Fusion Science and Technology 74(1-2) 23-36
Bayesian Integrated Data Analysis of Fast-Ion Measurements by Velocity-Space Tomography

19. M Salewski et al. (2018) Nuclear Fusion 58 036017
Deuterium temperature, drift velocity, and density measurements in non-Maxwellian plasmas at ASDEX Upgrade

18. M Salewski et al. (2017) Nuclear Fusion 57 056001
MeV-range velocity-space tomography from gamma-ray and neutron emission spectrometry Measurements at JET

17. M Salewski et al. (2016) Nuclear Fusion 56 106024
High-definition velocity-space tomography of fast-ion dynamics

16. M Salewski et al. (2016) Nuclear Fusion 56 046009
Fast-ion energy resolution by one-step reaction gamma-ray spectrometry

15. M Salewski et al. (2015) Nuclear Fusion 55 093029
Velocity-space observation regions of high-resolution two-step reaction gamma-ray spectroscopy

14. M Salewski et al. (2015) Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 57 014021
Doppler tomography in fusion plasmas and astrophysics

13. M Salewski et al. (2014) Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 56 105005
On velocity-space sensitivity of fast-ion D-alpha spectroscopy

12. M Salewski et al. (2014) Nuclear Fusion 54 023005
Measurement of a 2D fast-ion velocity distribution function by tomographic inversion of fast-ion D-alpha spectra

11. M Salewski et al. (2013) Nuclear Fusion 53 063019
Combination of fast-ion diagnostics in velocity-space tomographies

10. M Salewski et al. (2012) Nuclear Fusion 52 103008
Tomography of fast-ion velocity-space distributions from synthetic CTS and FIDA measurements

9. M Salewski et al. (2011) Nuclear Fusion 51 083014
On velocity space interrogation regions of fast-ion collective Thomson scattering at ITER

8. M Salewski et al. (2010) Nuclear Fusion 50 035012
Comparison of fast ion collective Thomson scattering measurements at ASDEX Upgrade with numerical simulations

7. M Salewski et al. (2009) Nuclear Fusion 49 025006
Impact of ICRH on the measurement of fusion alphas by collective Thomson scattering in ITER

6. M Salewski et al. (2009) Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 51 035006
Comparison of collective Thomson scattering signals due to fast ions in ITER scenarios with fusion and auxiliary heating

5. M Salewski et al. (2008) Review of Scientific Instruments 79 10E729
Investigation of first mirror heating for the collective Thomson scattering diagnostic in ITER

4. M Salewski and L Fuchs (2008) Journal of Turbulence 9 (46)
Effects of aerodynamic particle interaction in turbulent non-dilute particle-laden flow

3. M Salewski , D Stankovic, and L Fuchs (2008) Flow Turbulence and Combustion 80 (2) 255-283
Mixing in Circular and Non-circular Jets in Crossflow

2. M Salewski , D Stankovic, and L Fuchs (2007) Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 129 (1) 61-68
A Comparison of Single- and Multiphase Jets in a Crossflow Using LES

1. M Salewski and L Fuchs (2007) International Journal of Multiphase Flow 33 (4) 394-410
Consistency Issues of Lagrangian Particle Tracking Applied to a Spray Jet in Crossflow

PhD thesis (Lund University)


M Salewski (2006)
LES of Jets and Sprays injected into Crossflow