
I supervise BSc, MSc and PhD projects as well as individual special course projects.


You are more than welcome to contact me at rabj@dtu.dk if you are intersted in doing a project.

DTU courses currently taught:
10060 Physics (Polytechnical Foundation), 10 ECTS BSc course (2024 - present)
47517 How to make a scientific poster, 2.5 ECTS PhD course (2019 - present)


DTU courses previously taught:
10024 Fysik 1, 10 ECTS BSc course (2015/2016, 2018/2019, 2021 - 2024)
01005 Advanced Engineering Mathematics 1, Supervisor on the large project (2016 - 2018)
10018 Physics 1, 10 ECTS BSc course (2016 - 2021)
47316 Advanced computational tools for energy materials, 5 ECTS MSc course (2015 - 2020)
47331 Permanent magnets, their use and optimization, 5 ECTS MSc course (2022)
47513 Modern Energy Research, 7.5 ECTS PhD course (2017 - 2022)